The Suffering Servant
based on Isaiah 53:1-8
O LORD, who has believed in our message?
And, to whom is the LORD's arm revealed?
For my servant's grown in the LORD's presence,
like a root from a dry, thirsty field.
There was nothing majestic or comely
to attract us to him or admire;
with no beauty about his appearance
that would draw us to him with desire.
So despised by mankind, so rejected,
Man of sorrows, acquainted with pain.
And like one from whom men turned their faces,
giving no regard but their disdain.
Surely, he bore our pain and diseases,
and on him, all our sorrows were laid;
and we thought that by God, he was punished
and afflicted — his own sins repaid.
He was pierced for the world's transgressions,
by our sin was his crushing fate sealed;
for our peace was bought by his chastisement,
by his stripes that he bore were we healed.
Just like sheep, we have strayed and have wandered,
we have gone the wrong way on our own;
all the weight of the sin of the world
has the LORD laid upon him, alone.
As oppressed as he was and afflicted,
yet his mouth never uttered a word.
As a lamb that was led to the slaughter,
like a sheep before shearers, unheard.
When unjustly condemned, he was taken,
how can his generation explain?
He was cut from the land of the living,
for my people's trangressions was slain.
And, to whom is the LORD's arm revealed?
For my servant's grown in the LORD's presence,
like a root from a dry, thirsty field.
There was nothing majestic or comely
to attract us to him or admire;
with no beauty about his appearance
that would draw us to him with desire.
So despised by mankind, so rejected,
Man of sorrows, acquainted with pain.
And like one from whom men turned their faces,
giving no regard but their disdain.
Surely, he bore our pain and diseases,
and on him, all our sorrows were laid;
and we thought that by God, he was punished
and afflicted — his own sins repaid.
He was pierced for the world's transgressions,
by our sin was his crushing fate sealed;
for our peace was bought by his chastisement,
by his stripes that he bore were we healed.
Just like sheep, we have strayed and have wandered,
we have gone the wrong way on our own;
all the weight of the sin of the world
has the LORD laid upon him, alone.
As oppressed as he was and afflicted,
yet his mouth never uttered a word.
As a lamb that was led to the slaughter,
like a sheep before shearers, unheard.
When unjustly condemned, he was taken,
how can his generation explain?
He was cut from the land of the living,
for my people's trangressions was slain.