The Promised Savior
I am the promised Savior —
The hoped-for seed of Eve,
Who shed His grace on Adam’s race
For mankind to receive.
Descended from King David,
From Jesse’s stem — a rod;
I’m Mary’s son — the promised one:
Messiah, Son of God.
I left My throne in glory,
I left My Father’s side;
Was born on earth of virgin birth
And for thy life, I died.
I am the promised Savior —
The longed-for coming King!
Keep burning bright thy candlelight,
And ready everything.
My heel was bruised by Satan,
But I shall crush his head;
And fashion hell where he will dwell
In torment with the dead.
I’ll leave My throne in glory,
I’ll leave My Father’s side;
When thy home’s done, beyond the sun,
I’ll come for thee — My bride.
The hoped-for seed of Eve,
Who shed His grace on Adam’s race
For mankind to receive.
Descended from King David,
From Jesse’s stem — a rod;
I’m Mary’s son — the promised one:
Messiah, Son of God.
I left My throne in glory,
I left My Father’s side;
Was born on earth of virgin birth
And for thy life, I died.
I am the promised Savior —
The longed-for coming King!
Keep burning bright thy candlelight,
And ready everything.
My heel was bruised by Satan,
But I shall crush his head;
And fashion hell where he will dwell
In torment with the dead.
I’ll leave My throne in glory,
I’ll leave My Father’s side;
When thy home’s done, beyond the sun,
I’ll come for thee — My bride.
And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.
Genesis 3:15
Genesis 3:15