The Lamb of God
I am the Lamb, unblemished —
Upon the altar laid;
My spotless coat and snow-white throat
Are crimson from the blade.
As seen by John the Baptist
I am the Lamb of God,
Who knew no shame but took thy blame
And cleansed thee with My blood.
I’ve cast thy sins much farther
Than east is from the west.
And as I live, I shall forgive
Each time they are confessed.
I am the Lamb of glory —
Upon the great white throne;
From every land, the nations stand
To worship Me alone.
As seen by John, on Patmos,
I am the Lamb of light.
My glory fills My city’s hills
Which has no sun or night.
I’m longing for My marriage,
To join My promised bride.
Oh, what a sight! Here, dressed in white,
Forever by My side.
Upon the altar laid;
My spotless coat and snow-white throat
Are crimson from the blade.
As seen by John the Baptist
I am the Lamb of God,
Who knew no shame but took thy blame
And cleansed thee with My blood.
I’ve cast thy sins much farther
Than east is from the west.
And as I live, I shall forgive
Each time they are confessed.
I am the Lamb of glory —
Upon the great white throne;
From every land, the nations stand
To worship Me alone.
As seen by John, on Patmos,
I am the Lamb of light.
My glory fills My city’s hills
Which has no sun or night.
I’m longing for My marriage,
To join My promised bride.
Oh, what a sight! Here, dressed in white,
Forever by My side.
He was oppressed and He was afflicted,
Yet he opened not His mouth;
He was led as a lamb to the slaughter,
And as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
So He opened not His mouth.
Isaiah 53:7
Yet he opened not His mouth;
He was led as a lamb to the slaughter,
And as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
So He opened not His mouth.
Isaiah 53:7