Psalm 23
A psalm of David.
The LORD is my shepherd, supplying my needs.
He makes me lie down
on the green, grassy ground;
beside gentle streams of still waters he leads.
Refreshing my spirit, restoring my soul;
the paths that we take
for his righteousness sake,
will glory and honor his name we extol.
Though valleys of peril and darkness are trod,
I'll walk without fear
for I know you are here
beside me to guide me with your staff and rod.
A feast is prepared in the midst of my foes.
The table is spread
and you've oiled my head;
my cup full of blessing and grace overflows.
Your goodness and mercy will follow my days.
Through life's twists and bends
I know where my road ends:
I'll live in the house of Jehovah always.
The LORD is my shepherd, supplying my needs.
He makes me lie down
on the green, grassy ground;
beside gentle streams of still waters he leads.
Refreshing my spirit, restoring my soul;
the paths that we take
for his righteousness sake,
will glory and honor his name we extol.
Though valleys of peril and darkness are trod,
I'll walk without fear
for I know you are here
beside me to guide me with your staff and rod.
A feast is prepared in the midst of my foes.
The table is spread
and you've oiled my head;
my cup full of blessing and grace overflows.
Your goodness and mercy will follow my days.
Through life's twists and bends
I know where my road ends:
I'll live in the house of Jehovah always.