Psalm 152
Your works of creation
Your mighty works surround me,
Lord, who can know your way? The moon gives light throughout the night; the sun ignites the day. |
You set the earth in motion
to spin around the sun. You breathe upon the ocean and let her courses run. |
Your gentle works confound me,
Lord, who can match your power? Your hand can make the whole world quake, yet open up a flower. |
I see the falls cascading;
the great sequoia tree; the brilliant sun that’s fading beyond the crystal sea. |
Your awesome works astound me,
Lord, who can know your mind? My eye and ear that see and hear are wondrously designed. |
The joy of procreation,
and awe of life anew, can’t match my adoration and awe I have for You. |
Your works are all around me,
I feel Your endless grace: in summer’s breeze through rustling trees, spring’s rain upon my face. |
Your hands have set before me
a table fully spread, with tidbits of your glory from which I’m freely fed. |