Psalm 111
Praise the LORD!
I'll give thanks to Jehovah with all of my being
in the council of those who are pure and upright.
How amazing the works and the deeds of Jehovah!
Those who study his wonders will find their delight.
For his wonders are worthy of glory and honor,
and his righteousness stands to the end of all time.
All his wonderful works are remembered forever;
LORD Jehovah is merciful, gracious and kind.
He provides food for those who would honor and fear him;
he remembers forever his vows to his own.
He has shown to his people his vast and great power,
when he gave them the lands that the heathen had sown.
All the works of his hands have been truthful and faithful;
his commands and his precepts are worthy of trust.
His commandments established forever and ever
that are done in the truth and in ways that are just.
He has ransomed his people; appointed forever
every covenant — holy and awesome, his name.
For the fear of the LORD's the beginning of wisdom;
those who practice his precepts will grow in the same.
Praise him forever!
I'll give thanks to Jehovah with all of my being
in the council of those who are pure and upright.
How amazing the works and the deeds of Jehovah!
Those who study his wonders will find their delight.
For his wonders are worthy of glory and honor,
and his righteousness stands to the end of all time.
All his wonderful works are remembered forever;
LORD Jehovah is merciful, gracious and kind.
He provides food for those who would honor and fear him;
he remembers forever his vows to his own.
He has shown to his people his vast and great power,
when he gave them the lands that the heathen had sown.
All the works of his hands have been truthful and faithful;
his commands and his precepts are worthy of trust.
His commandments established forever and ever
that are done in the truth and in ways that are just.
He has ransomed his people; appointed forever
every covenant — holy and awesome, his name.
For the fear of the LORD's the beginning of wisdom;
those who practice his precepts will grow in the same.
Praise him forever!