Proverbs 13
A son who is wise heeds his father's reproof,
but one who's a scoffer will scorn all rebuke.
The fruit from the lips of the just brings good things,
but those who are faithless crave what violence brings.
Those guarding their tongue will preserve their own life,
but those with wide lips come to ruin and strife.
The soul of the sluggard wants much, but has naught,
content is the earnest with much that he's got.
A righteous man hates what is false and unjust,
but evil men bring only shame and disgust.
Oh, righteousness safeguards the just in the way,
but wickedness ushers the sinners astray.
A man may pretend he is rich, but he's not,
another acts poor, though great wealth has he got.
The wealthy can ransom a life as a debt,
but those who are poor will not have such a threat.
The light of the righteous shines brightly about,
but lamps of the wicked will soon be snuffed out.
Through arrogant pride comes the quarrels and strife,
but wisdom is found in the counsel-led life.
All ill-gotten money will dwindle away,
but workers who save will be wealthy one day.
When hope is delayed, it will cut like a knife,
but dreams that come true is a tree giving life.
Whoever scorns counsel, their doom is assured,
rewards are for people respecting God's word.
The law of the wise is a fountain of breath,
to help you escape snares and trappings of death.
Good judgement wins favor, respect and regard,
but ways of the faithless are barren and hard.
The prudent and wise man acts knowledgeably,
but fools act like fools for the world to see.
The unfaithful messenger only brings grief,
but trustworthy envoys bring health and relief.
Ignoring instruction brings hardship and shame,
but heeding correction brings honor and fame.
A longing accomplished is sweet to the soul,
but fools hate to give up on evil's control.
A walk with the wise lets a man become wise,
but foolish companions will be their demise.
Disasters chase sinners wherever they flee,
but just men are paid with great prosperity.
A good man leaves wealth for his grandchildren's sake,
but sinners leave wealth for the righteous to take.
When fields are left fallow, there's food for the poor,
but when there's injustice then all's lost, for sure.
The parents who spare the rod hate their own youth,
but children are loved when they're shown some reproof.
A righteous man's belly is full and content,
but that of the wicked is empty and spent.
but one who's a scoffer will scorn all rebuke.
The fruit from the lips of the just brings good things,
but those who are faithless crave what violence brings.
Those guarding their tongue will preserve their own life,
but those with wide lips come to ruin and strife.
The soul of the sluggard wants much, but has naught,
content is the earnest with much that he's got.
A righteous man hates what is false and unjust,
but evil men bring only shame and disgust.
Oh, righteousness safeguards the just in the way,
but wickedness ushers the sinners astray.
A man may pretend he is rich, but he's not,
another acts poor, though great wealth has he got.
The wealthy can ransom a life as a debt,
but those who are poor will not have such a threat.
The light of the righteous shines brightly about,
but lamps of the wicked will soon be snuffed out.
Through arrogant pride comes the quarrels and strife,
but wisdom is found in the counsel-led life.
All ill-gotten money will dwindle away,
but workers who save will be wealthy one day.
When hope is delayed, it will cut like a knife,
but dreams that come true is a tree giving life.
Whoever scorns counsel, their doom is assured,
rewards are for people respecting God's word.
The law of the wise is a fountain of breath,
to help you escape snares and trappings of death.
Good judgement wins favor, respect and regard,
but ways of the faithless are barren and hard.
The prudent and wise man acts knowledgeably,
but fools act like fools for the world to see.
The unfaithful messenger only brings grief,
but trustworthy envoys bring health and relief.
Ignoring instruction brings hardship and shame,
but heeding correction brings honor and fame.
A longing accomplished is sweet to the soul,
but fools hate to give up on evil's control.
A walk with the wise lets a man become wise,
but foolish companions will be their demise.
Disasters chase sinners wherever they flee,
but just men are paid with great prosperity.
A good man leaves wealth for his grandchildren's sake,
but sinners leave wealth for the righteous to take.
When fields are left fallow, there's food for the poor,
but when there's injustice then all's lost, for sure.
The parents who spare the rod hate their own youth,
but children are loved when they're shown some reproof.
A righteous man's belly is full and content,
but that of the wicked is empty and spent.