God of Mercy
I am the God of judgment —
My Hand is swift and just:
I once destroyed the world — devoid
Of all but sin and lust.
But pure in heart was Noah —
The only one I found.
Through him their lives — his sons and wives,
Were saved as all else drowned.
Take courage, now, in rainbows
That come when storms are through:
I'll not forsake this world I've made
But offer life anew.
I am the God of mercy —
I am the God of grace.
Just call on Me — I'll answer thee
If thou wilt seek My Face.
My home for thee in heaven
Is free from earthly sin,
Yet if thy soul is black as coal
Thou cannot enter in.
As lives, in days of Noah,
Were ransomed from the flood,
I offer thee new life in Me
That's bought with Righteous blood.
My Hand is swift and just:
I once destroyed the world — devoid
Of all but sin and lust.
But pure in heart was Noah —
The only one I found.
Through him their lives — his sons and wives,
Were saved as all else drowned.
Take courage, now, in rainbows
That come when storms are through:
I'll not forsake this world I've made
But offer life anew.
I am the God of mercy —
I am the God of grace.
Just call on Me — I'll answer thee
If thou wilt seek My Face.
My home for thee in heaven
Is free from earthly sin,
Yet if thy soul is black as coal
Thou cannot enter in.
As lives, in days of Noah,
Were ransomed from the flood,
I offer thee new life in Me
That's bought with Righteous blood.
But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us . . . .
Ephesians 2:4
Ephesians 2:4