The Lord is Risen
The Lord is risen, let us rejoice
And praise Him with our hearts and voices.
He is the One who brought salvation
For everyone of every nation.
He left his home in heaven above
And came to earth to prove His love.
He healed the sick and raised the dead,
Made blind eyes see, the hungry fed.
Oh, what compassion and love was shown
For the needs of others and not His own!
Great crowds of people He had taught,
Many believed, and some did not.
Oh, how it must have grieved Him to know
So many rejected and hated him so!
Soon his appointed time drew near
When on the cross He would appear.
Oh, how He suffered, how can it be
That He would care so much for me
To shed his blood and bear the pain
To cleanse me from all sin and stain?
Yes, He bore all pain and loss
While hanging sinless on the cross.
He lives in glory now above
And looks down on us all with love.
Some day He’s coming, Oh glorious day!
To take us home with Him to stay.
Let all God’s children join in and sing
“The Lord is risen, and He is King.”
And praise Him with our hearts and voices.
He is the One who brought salvation
For everyone of every nation.
He left his home in heaven above
And came to earth to prove His love.
He healed the sick and raised the dead,
Made blind eyes see, the hungry fed.
Oh, what compassion and love was shown
For the needs of others and not His own!
Great crowds of people He had taught,
Many believed, and some did not.
Oh, how it must have grieved Him to know
So many rejected and hated him so!
Soon his appointed time drew near
When on the cross He would appear.
Oh, how He suffered, how can it be
That He would care so much for me
To shed his blood and bear the pain
To cleanse me from all sin and stain?
Yes, He bore all pain and loss
While hanging sinless on the cross.
He lives in glory now above
And looks down on us all with love.
Some day He’s coming, Oh glorious day!
To take us home with Him to stay.
Let all God’s children join in and sing
“The Lord is risen, and He is King.”
by Ida M. Miller