So many, many years ago
So many, many years ago
And many miles away,
The prophets spoke of joy and hope —
Of peace to come one day.
For unto us a child is born,
Isaiah did proclaim:
The Prince of Peace, Almighty God —
For these shall be His Name.
About two thousand years ago
And half a world away,
Inside a barn that child was born
And in a manger lay.
I am the way, the truth, the life,
This child called Jesus said:
I am the vine, the door, the light,
The true life-giving bread.
And many miles away,
The prophets spoke of joy and hope —
Of peace to come one day.
For unto us a child is born,
Isaiah did proclaim:
The Prince of Peace, Almighty God —
For these shall be His Name.
About two thousand years ago
And half a world away,
Inside a barn that child was born
And in a manger lay.
I am the way, the truth, the life,
This child called Jesus said:
I am the vine, the door, the light,
The true life-giving bread.