Psalm 9
For the director of music. To the tune of "The Death of the Son." A psalm of David.
I will thank you, Jehovah, with all of my heart;
I will tell of the wonders you do.
I'll be glad and exclaim and exult in your name;
O Most High, sing my praises to you.
For whenever my enemies turn back and fall,
they will perish before you, alone.
You have upheld my right, and sustained my just fight,
as you righteously judge from your throne.
You've rejected the nations; the wicked, destroyed;
and their names you've forever erased.
Endless ruin has come as their cities succumb,
and their memories have been displaced.
But the LORD reigns forever — he sits on his throne
he's established in his judgement hall;
and he governs and rules all the world with its fools,
where he'll justly pass judgement on all.
Oh, the LORD is a refuge for all those oppressed,
and a help for those troubled and stressed.
Those who know of your name put their trust in the same,
you forsake not the ones seeking rest.
Sing loud praise to the LORD, upon Zion he dwells;
and proclaim to the nations his deeds.
When avenging their case he remembers each face,
and forgets not their tears nor their needs.
LORD, have mercy on me! See how I am pursued,
for my foes have me catching my breath.
Those inflicting their hate are afflicting my fate.
Lift me up from the gates of sure death.
So that you may be praised at Jerusalem's gates,
I'll rejoice in my rescue you've brought.
For the nations have spilled into pits they have drilled;
their own feet, in their nets, have been caught.
LORD, Jehovah has made himself known to the world,
as his justice envelops their lands;
and the wicked, ensnared by the traps they've prepared,
are destroyed by the works of their hands.
Higgaion Selah [Quiet Interlude]
To the realm of the dead will the wicked return,
as will nations ignoring God's way.
But the needy will not be forever forgot,
and the poor will at last have their day.
Now, arise LORD Jehovah! Let man not prevail;
let the nations be judged by you then.
Make them tremble in fear; make it perfectly clear,
that the nations know they are mere men.
I will thank you, Jehovah, with all of my heart;
I will tell of the wonders you do.
I'll be glad and exclaim and exult in your name;
O Most High, sing my praises to you.
For whenever my enemies turn back and fall,
they will perish before you, alone.
You have upheld my right, and sustained my just fight,
as you righteously judge from your throne.
You've rejected the nations; the wicked, destroyed;
and their names you've forever erased.
Endless ruin has come as their cities succumb,
and their memories have been displaced.
But the LORD reigns forever — he sits on his throne
he's established in his judgement hall;
and he governs and rules all the world with its fools,
where he'll justly pass judgement on all.
Oh, the LORD is a refuge for all those oppressed,
and a help for those troubled and stressed.
Those who know of your name put their trust in the same,
you forsake not the ones seeking rest.
Sing loud praise to the LORD, upon Zion he dwells;
and proclaim to the nations his deeds.
When avenging their case he remembers each face,
and forgets not their tears nor their needs.
LORD, have mercy on me! See how I am pursued,
for my foes have me catching my breath.
Those inflicting their hate are afflicting my fate.
Lift me up from the gates of sure death.
So that you may be praised at Jerusalem's gates,
I'll rejoice in my rescue you've brought.
For the nations have spilled into pits they have drilled;
their own feet, in their nets, have been caught.
LORD, Jehovah has made himself known to the world,
as his justice envelops their lands;
and the wicked, ensnared by the traps they've prepared,
are destroyed by the works of their hands.
Higgaion Selah [Quiet Interlude]
To the realm of the dead will the wicked return,
as will nations ignoring God's way.
But the needy will not be forever forgot,
and the poor will at last have their day.
Now, arise LORD Jehovah! Let man not prevail;
let the nations be judged by you then.
Make them tremble in fear; make it perfectly clear,
that the nations know they are mere men.