Psalm 79
O God, the possession you've loved was attacked;
your temple by nations of heathens was sacked;
Jerusalem's razed and defiled.
Your servants' dead bodies are strewn everywhere,
their corpses are food for the birds of the air;
their flesh, for the beasts in the wild.
Their blood flows like water and turns into mud;
the whole of Jerusalem reeks of their blood;
there's none left to bury the dead.
We're mocked by our neighbors, derided and jeered;
by nations around us, we used to be feared,
but now we are laughed at instead.
How long will your rage and ferocity last?
Your jealousy burns like a fiery blast.
How long can we last in that flame?
Pour wrath upon those who don't recognize you —
those nations refusing to give you your due;
resisting to call on your name.
They've gobbled up Jacob, devoured your own;
they've ruined your country, laid waste to his home.
What chaos and havoc they wreak!
Remember us not for our ancestors' deeds!
But may your compassion meet quickly our needs;
for we have become very weak.
Our God of salvation, come help us today!
Because in your glorious name do we pray;
forgive us for your sake, alone.
For why should the nations of pagans abroad
dare question our faith, asking, Where is their God?
May you among them be made known.
Avenge the spilled blood that your servants have bled;
ensure that the heathen know whose blood was shed.
and do so before our last breath.
Let groans of the captive reach you with alarm;
according to your great and powerful arm,
preserve those condemned to their death.
Pay back seven times to our neighbors the pain,
the mocking and taunting and utter disdain,
O LORD, that they've thrown in your face.
So we, all your people, and sheep of your fold,
for all generations, the young and the old,
forever will give you our praise.
your temple by nations of heathens was sacked;
Jerusalem's razed and defiled.
Your servants' dead bodies are strewn everywhere,
their corpses are food for the birds of the air;
their flesh, for the beasts in the wild.
Their blood flows like water and turns into mud;
the whole of Jerusalem reeks of their blood;
there's none left to bury the dead.
We're mocked by our neighbors, derided and jeered;
by nations around us, we used to be feared,
but now we are laughed at instead.
How long will your rage and ferocity last?
Your jealousy burns like a fiery blast.
How long can we last in that flame?
Pour wrath upon those who don't recognize you —
those nations refusing to give you your due;
resisting to call on your name.
They've gobbled up Jacob, devoured your own;
they've ruined your country, laid waste to his home.
What chaos and havoc they wreak!
Remember us not for our ancestors' deeds!
But may your compassion meet quickly our needs;
for we have become very weak.
Our God of salvation, come help us today!
Because in your glorious name do we pray;
forgive us for your sake, alone.
For why should the nations of pagans abroad
dare question our faith, asking, Where is their God?
May you among them be made known.
Avenge the spilled blood that your servants have bled;
ensure that the heathen know whose blood was shed.
and do so before our last breath.
Let groans of the captive reach you with alarm;
according to your great and powerful arm,
preserve those condemned to their death.
Pay back seven times to our neighbors the pain,
the mocking and taunting and utter disdain,
O LORD, that they've thrown in your face.
So we, all your people, and sheep of your fold,
for all generations, the young and the old,
forever will give you our praise.