O Little Gem of Bethlehem
O little gem of Bethlehem,
beneath Rome's heavy thumb;
how can you bring the world a king,
or from you, glory come?
From kingdoms east to you, the least,
come princes from afar,
who've left behind their homes to find
the meaning of a star.
Through desert sand and foreign land,
with treasures packed, they came;
so they could see and bend the knee
to one they could not name.
A step ahead, the bright star led
the maji all the way;
past Herod's throne, that star light shone
where your Messiah lay.
Of all the jewels that Caesar rules,
are you not least of them?
But there you are beneath the star,
o little Bethlehem.
beneath Rome's heavy thumb;
how can you bring the world a king,
or from you, glory come?
From kingdoms east to you, the least,
come princes from afar,
who've left behind their homes to find
the meaning of a star.
Through desert sand and foreign land,
with treasures packed, they came;
so they could see and bend the knee
to one they could not name.
A step ahead, the bright star led
the maji all the way;
past Herod's throne, that star light shone
where your Messiah lay.
Of all the jewels that Caesar rules,
are you not least of them?
But there you are beneath the star,
o little Bethlehem.