Loss of a Loved One
What pain it brings to lose a loved one
Who to us was very dear.
Oh, the sorrow and the heartache
As our eyes are filled with tears.
When the nights pass by so slowly,
Then for strength we need to pray,
No one knows the grief and heartache
Till they too have gone this way.
But there is a dear Friend, Jesus,
Who can heal all pain and care,
If we place our hand is His hand
He will all our burdens share.
All we need to do is ask Him
To bring Joy and Comfort too,
He will part the clouds so heavy,
Let the sun come shining through.
So we'll put our trust in Jesus,
For we know He'll lead us through
If we'll only ask for guidance
Yes, He cares for me and you.
Who to us was very dear.
Oh, the sorrow and the heartache
As our eyes are filled with tears.
When the nights pass by so slowly,
Then for strength we need to pray,
No one knows the grief and heartache
Till they too have gone this way.
But there is a dear Friend, Jesus,
Who can heal all pain and care,
If we place our hand is His hand
He will all our burdens share.
All we need to do is ask Him
To bring Joy and Comfort too,
He will part the clouds so heavy,
Let the sun come shining through.
So we'll put our trust in Jesus,
For we know He'll lead us through
If we'll only ask for guidance
Yes, He cares for me and you.
by Ida M. Miller