Based on the scriptures found in The Purpose-Driven Life – Day 11
Friend of God
Based on John 15:15; Act 17:26-27; Jeremiah 9:24
No longer will I call you servants again,
instead I now call you my friends.
For servants know nothing of their master’s plan —
I’ve shown what my father intends.
From one man created to one human race
I’ve given your children the earth.
And I have appointed their season and place —
selecting the time of their birth.
The world was created with your heart in mind
no matter whoever you are;
in order that one day you’ll seek me and find
that never am I very far.
If bragging, acknowledge my truth as your boast —
my fairness and justice and love.
For these are the things that will please me the most —
of which I cannot get enough.
instead I now call you my friends.
For servants know nothing of their master’s plan —
I’ve shown what my father intends.
From one man created to one human race
I’ve given your children the earth.
And I have appointed their season and place —
selecting the time of their birth.
The world was created with your heart in mind
no matter whoever you are;
in order that one day you’ll seek me and find
that never am I very far.
If bragging, acknowledge my truth as your boast —
my fairness and justice and love.
For these are the things that will please me the most —
of which I cannot get enough.
John 15:15 (NIV)
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
Acts 17:26-27 (Msg)
He made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him.
He made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him.
Jeremiah 9:24 (TEV)
If any want to boast, they should boast that they know and understand me . . . . These are the things that please me.
If any want to boast, they should boast that they know and understand me . . . . These are the things that please me.
NIV: New International Version • Msg: The Message • TEV: Today's English Version