A Month of Sundays
I cannot give my tithe this week —
I spent my paycheck on my wife;
We thought we’d take a little break
From jobs, the kids — a pause from life.
We left home stressed, returned refreshed,
And then resumed our daily chores.
This week, dear Lord, I can’t afford
To give You what is really Yours.
I cannot give my tithe this week —
The children needed some new clothes;
Their jeans had holes as did their soles —
How swiftly do their bodies grow.
Those lights and pumps that aid their jumps —
They cost a fortune every time!
Again, dear Lord, I can’t afford
This week to give a single dime.
I cannot give my tithe this week —
My power mower wouldn’t start;
It ran for years through many gears,
And two or three of every part.
The washer’s shot — we went and bought
Another from the store last night.
Once more, dear Lord, I can’t afford
To give You what I think is right.
I cannot give my tithe this week —
My income tax has now come due;
It’s once a year and now its here —
I must — the laws command me to.
You’ve said its good and right we should
Give unto Caesar what is his.
But whom to serve? These gods on earth,
Or You, the only God there is?
I spent my paycheck on my wife;
We thought we’d take a little break
From jobs, the kids — a pause from life.
We left home stressed, returned refreshed,
And then resumed our daily chores.
This week, dear Lord, I can’t afford
To give You what is really Yours.
I cannot give my tithe this week —
The children needed some new clothes;
Their jeans had holes as did their soles —
How swiftly do their bodies grow.
Those lights and pumps that aid their jumps —
They cost a fortune every time!
Again, dear Lord, I can’t afford
This week to give a single dime.
I cannot give my tithe this week —
My power mower wouldn’t start;
It ran for years through many gears,
And two or three of every part.
The washer’s shot — we went and bought
Another from the store last night.
Once more, dear Lord, I can’t afford
To give You what I think is right.
I cannot give my tithe this week —
My income tax has now come due;
It’s once a year and now its here —
I must — the laws command me to.
You’ve said its good and right we should
Give unto Caesar what is his.
But whom to serve? These gods on earth,
Or You, the only God there is?