A Jealous God
I am a God who’s jealous —
Come worship Me — alone!
You cannot pray to gods of clay,
Nor bow to gods of stone.
Who brought you out of Egypt?
Who caused the sea to part?
A calf of gold you had to mold,
And fashion from your heart?
Who led you through the desert?
Who gave you daily bread?
Lift up your voice and make your choice:
A Living God, or dead?
I’m still a God who’s jealous —
I will not share My Throne!
I shall not stand gods made by hand,
Nor born of flesh and bone.
Am I sought out on Sunday,
But not throughout the week?
Should I stand still while you fulfill
Those other loves you seek?
You cannot serve two masters.
Nor can you please but one.
The world will see if you loved Me
By what you’ve said and done.
Come worship Me — alone!
You cannot pray to gods of clay,
Nor bow to gods of stone.
Who brought you out of Egypt?
Who caused the sea to part?
A calf of gold you had to mold,
And fashion from your heart?
Who led you through the desert?
Who gave you daily bread?
Lift up your voice and make your choice:
A Living God, or dead?
I’m still a God who’s jealous —
I will not share My Throne!
I shall not stand gods made by hand,
Nor born of flesh and bone.
Am I sought out on Sunday,
But not throughout the week?
Should I stand still while you fulfill
Those other loves you seek?
You cannot serve two masters.
Nor can you please but one.
The world will see if you loved Me
By what you’ve said and done.
For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord,
whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.
Exodus 34:14
whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.
Exodus 34:14