Since Love Came Down
Since Love came down from heaven
and Mary bore God's son,
we now can be forgiven;
blood sacrifice is done.
By one man, all are broken.
By one they called the Christ,
as lamb, slain on the altar,
our final sacrifice.
Perfection in a manger,
this swaddled holy child.
That promise made in Eden,
now we are reconciled.
Born unto us a child,
whose rule shall never cease;
called everlasting Father,
Almighty, Prince of Peace.
Four hundred years of silence
was broken in a field,
when good news for all people,
to shepherds, was revealed.
God's glory in the highest!
On earth, his peace to men,
with those whom he finds favor.
Rejoice! Rejoice, again!
and Mary bore God's son,
we now can be forgiven;
blood sacrifice is done.
By one man, all are broken.
By one they called the Christ,
as lamb, slain on the altar,
our final sacrifice.
Perfection in a manger,
this swaddled holy child.
That promise made in Eden,
now we are reconciled.
Born unto us a child,
whose rule shall never cease;
called everlasting Father,
Almighty, Prince of Peace.
Four hundred years of silence
was broken in a field,
when good news for all people,
to shepherds, was revealed.
God's glory in the highest!
On earth, his peace to men,
with those whom he finds favor.
Rejoice! Rejoice, again!