Psalm 94
Oh, the LORD is a God who avenges;
may the God who avenges, attack!
Judge of earth, now arise and reward them —
let the proud, for their pains, be paid back!
Tell me, how long, O LORD, will the wicked —
oh, how long will the wicked elate?
For their arrogance drips with their boasting,
and their speech is a language of hate.
LORD, they trample your people to pieces,
and they hurt those you claim as your own.
They have slain both the widow and stranger,
killed the orphan and those all alone.
They've said, We won't be seen by Jehovah,
nor will Jacob's God notice, besides.
Think again, O you dullest of people!
When have you shown yourselves to be wise?
Is the one who made ears hard of hearing?
Has the one who made eyes now gone blind?
He scolds nations — yet he won't correct you?
He who teaches the whole of mankind?
The LORD knows every thought of all people;
and he knows they are futile and vain.
LORD, how blest is the man whom you've chastened,
and instructed what your laws contain.
You relieve them in their times of trouble;
till a pit has the wicked ensnared.
For the LORD will not cast off his people,
nor abandon his treasured ones there.
Surely justice again will be righteous,
which the upright in heart will pursue.
Who protects me from those who are wicked?
Who stands for me against evil — who?
If Jehovah had not been my helper,
my soul soon would have been in the grave.
When I cried out to you, My foot's slipping!
You upheld me in love — I was saved.
When my anxious thoughts seem overwhelming,
you bring comfort and joy to my soul.
Can corrupt thrones, with you, then be allied —
those who seek, by decree, full control?
For they gang up against all the righteous;
those with innocent blood, they've decried.
But the LORD has become my high tower,
and my God is my rock where I hide.
may the God who avenges, attack!
Judge of earth, now arise and reward them —
let the proud, for their pains, be paid back!
Tell me, how long, O LORD, will the wicked —
oh, how long will the wicked elate?
For their arrogance drips with their boasting,
and their speech is a language of hate.
LORD, they trample your people to pieces,
and they hurt those you claim as your own.
They have slain both the widow and stranger,
killed the orphan and those all alone.
They've said, We won't be seen by Jehovah,
nor will Jacob's God notice, besides.
Think again, O you dullest of people!
When have you shown yourselves to be wise?
Is the one who made ears hard of hearing?
Has the one who made eyes now gone blind?
He scolds nations — yet he won't correct you?
He who teaches the whole of mankind?
The LORD knows every thought of all people;
and he knows they are futile and vain.
LORD, how blest is the man whom you've chastened,
and instructed what your laws contain.
You relieve them in their times of trouble;
till a pit has the wicked ensnared.
For the LORD will not cast off his people,
nor abandon his treasured ones there.
Surely justice again will be righteous,
which the upright in heart will pursue.
Who protects me from those who are wicked?
Who stands for me against evil — who?
If Jehovah had not been my helper,
my soul soon would have been in the grave.
When I cried out to you, My foot's slipping!
You upheld me in love — I was saved.
When my anxious thoughts seem overwhelming,
you bring comfort and joy to my soul.
Can corrupt thrones, with you, then be allied —
those who seek, by decree, full control?
For they gang up against all the righteous;
those with innocent blood, they've decried.
But the LORD has become my high tower,
and my God is my rock where I hide.