Psalm 118
Jehovah is good and is worthy of praise!
His mercy forever endures.
Let Israel's house ever echo the phrase:
His mercy forever endures.
Let Aaron's descendants, the priesthood, relay:
His mercy forever endures.
Let all those who worship and fear the LORD, say:
His mercy forever endures.
I called to the LORD in distress, and I prayed;
he freed me into a large space.
The LORD's on my side so I won't be afraid.
I won't fear mere mortal I face.
The LORD's on my side among friends that I find;
in triumph I'll gaze at my foe.
Tis better to trust in the LORD than mankind,
or any mere mortals you know.
Tis better to trust in the LORD than be bound
to princes of worldly fame.
Though nations surround me and circle me round,
I'll cut them down in the LORD's name.
Surrounding all sides, they are poised to attack;
I'll cut them down in the LORD's name.
They swarm me like bees, but extinguished, fall back;
I'll cut them down in the LORD's name.
My enemies pushed me, and, oh, they were strong!
But, then LORD Jehovah helped me.
The LORD is my strength, my defense and my song;
he's given me full victory.
Resounding with joy are the camps of the just:
The LORD's right hand does mighty things!
Jehovah's right arm in the air has been thrust!
The LORD's right hand does mighty things!
I'll not die as thought, but will live some time more,
recounting his deeds with my breath.
The LORD had me chastened as never before,
not giving me over to death.
Now open to me gates of righteousness wide,
to enter in, LORD, praising you.
These gates leading in where the LORD will preside,
through which will the righteous pass through.
I thank you for answering my fervent prayer;
you are my salvation alone.
The stone which the builders rejected — left there,
is now made the chief cornerstone.
For this from the LORD and Jehovah displayed,
a wonderful sight to be had.
For this is the day which the good LORD has made,
now let us rejoice and be glad.
LORD, save us! LORD, grant us success and reward!
He's blest — who comes in the LORD's name!
For you have been blest from the house of the LORD.
The LORD is God, one and the same.
The LORD has made light shine upon us his rays;
my sacrifice bound up with cord.
The LORD is my God, and I thank him with praise;
my God, I exalt you, O LORD.
Jehovah is good and is worthy of praise!
His mercy forever endures.
His mercy forever endures.
Let Israel's house ever echo the phrase:
His mercy forever endures.
Let Aaron's descendants, the priesthood, relay:
His mercy forever endures.
Let all those who worship and fear the LORD, say:
His mercy forever endures.
I called to the LORD in distress, and I prayed;
he freed me into a large space.
The LORD's on my side so I won't be afraid.
I won't fear mere mortal I face.
The LORD's on my side among friends that I find;
in triumph I'll gaze at my foe.
Tis better to trust in the LORD than mankind,
or any mere mortals you know.
Tis better to trust in the LORD than be bound
to princes of worldly fame.
Though nations surround me and circle me round,
I'll cut them down in the LORD's name.
Surrounding all sides, they are poised to attack;
I'll cut them down in the LORD's name.
They swarm me like bees, but extinguished, fall back;
I'll cut them down in the LORD's name.
My enemies pushed me, and, oh, they were strong!
But, then LORD Jehovah helped me.
The LORD is my strength, my defense and my song;
he's given me full victory.
Resounding with joy are the camps of the just:
The LORD's right hand does mighty things!
Jehovah's right arm in the air has been thrust!
The LORD's right hand does mighty things!
I'll not die as thought, but will live some time more,
recounting his deeds with my breath.
The LORD had me chastened as never before,
not giving me over to death.
Now open to me gates of righteousness wide,
to enter in, LORD, praising you.
These gates leading in where the LORD will preside,
through which will the righteous pass through.
I thank you for answering my fervent prayer;
you are my salvation alone.
The stone which the builders rejected — left there,
is now made the chief cornerstone.
For this from the LORD and Jehovah displayed,
a wonderful sight to be had.
For this is the day which the good LORD has made,
now let us rejoice and be glad.
LORD, save us! LORD, grant us success and reward!
He's blest — who comes in the LORD's name!
For you have been blest from the house of the LORD.
The LORD is God, one and the same.
The LORD has made light shine upon us his rays;
my sacrifice bound up with cord.
The LORD is my God, and I thank him with praise;
my God, I exalt you, O LORD.
Jehovah is good and is worthy of praise!
His mercy forever endures.