Isaiah 2
The Mountain of the House of the LORD
This is the message that was revealed to Isaiah son of Amoz concerning Judah and Jerusalem:
Isaiah 2:1 • BSB
And it will then come to pass in the last days,
the mountain of Yahweh's house will
be firmly established and it shall be raised
above every mountain and hill,
and into it, nations will stream in and fill.
And nations of people will say, Come, let's go
up unto the mountain of God,
the temple of Jacob's God, where he will show
his ways and the paths we should trod.
From Zion, the law of the LORD will be heard;
and out of Jerusalem comes the LORD's word.
He'll judge between nations and settle with men
disputes that involve many lives;
their swords will they beat into plowshares and then
their spears into sickles and knives.
No nation will lift up their swords anymore,
nor will any nation learn how to make war.
the mountain of Yahweh's house will
be firmly established and it shall be raised
above every mountain and hill,
and into it, nations will stream in and fill.
And nations of people will say, Come, let's go
up unto the mountain of God,
the temple of Jacob's God, where he will show
his ways and the paths we should trod.
From Zion, the law of the LORD will be heard;
and out of Jerusalem comes the LORD's word.
He'll judge between nations and settle with men
disputes that involve many lives;
their swords will they beat into plowshares and then
their spears into sickles and knives.
No nation will lift up their swords anymore,
nor will any nation learn how to make war.
The Day of the LORD
Oh, come, house of Jacob, unite
and let us walk in the LORD's light.
LORD, you have forsaken your people in grief,
the offspring of Jacob's long line,
because they are filled with the eastern belief,
and like Philistines, they divine;
with strangers, make deals, they embrace and entwine.
Their land has been filled with both silver and gold,
their treasures are like grains of sand;
their many fine horses that graze are untold,
with unnumbered chariots on hand.
The idols they've fashioned now litter their lands;
they worship the things they have made with their hands.
The low man is humbled, the great man is, too —
but don't forgive either, whatever you do!
Crawl into the rocks and stay hidden from sight
from Yahweh's great terror and glorious might.
The proud will be humbled with nothing to say,
but Yahweh, alone, will prevail on that day.
The Almighty LORD has a day set that he
will reckon the haughty and proud;
and everyone who is exalted will be
brought low as they're humbled and bowed —
the cedars of Lebanon, lofty and high,
the great oaks of Bashan that reach to the sky,
the towering mountains and hills that are tall,
and every high tower and fortified wall,
the ships bound for Tarshish with goods, one and all.
Man's pride says there's nothing that he does not know,
but he will be humbled with his pride brought low;
Jehovah, alone, will prevail in that day.
The idols they worship will all pass away.
They'll scramble up rocks, into caves will they flee,
and hide in the holes in the ground,
away from the fear of the LORD's majesty,
and trembling earth all around.
In that day of judgement, their gods will be lost,
discarded in caves and in holes;
their idols of silver and gold will be tossed
and scattered among bats and moles.
They'll flee to the caverns and scale the cliff's height,
and hide in the jagged rocks there,
to try to escape the LORD's glorious might
as he shakes the earth everywhere.
Stop trusting in man, who is one breath away
from breathing his last one. So, what good are they?
Oh, come, house of Jacob, unite
and let us walk in the LORD's light.
LORD, you have forsaken your people in grief,
the offspring of Jacob's long line,
because they are filled with the eastern belief,
and like Philistines, they divine;
with strangers, make deals, they embrace and entwine.
Their land has been filled with both silver and gold,
their treasures are like grains of sand;
their many fine horses that graze are untold,
with unnumbered chariots on hand.
The idols they've fashioned now litter their lands;
they worship the things they have made with their hands.
The low man is humbled, the great man is, too —
but don't forgive either, whatever you do!
Crawl into the rocks and stay hidden from sight
from Yahweh's great terror and glorious might.
The proud will be humbled with nothing to say,
but Yahweh, alone, will prevail on that day.
The Almighty LORD has a day set that he
will reckon the haughty and proud;
and everyone who is exalted will be
brought low as they're humbled and bowed —
the cedars of Lebanon, lofty and high,
the great oaks of Bashan that reach to the sky,
the towering mountains and hills that are tall,
and every high tower and fortified wall,
the ships bound for Tarshish with goods, one and all.
Man's pride says there's nothing that he does not know,
but he will be humbled with his pride brought low;
Jehovah, alone, will prevail in that day.
The idols they worship will all pass away.
They'll scramble up rocks, into caves will they flee,
and hide in the holes in the ground,
away from the fear of the LORD's majesty,
and trembling earth all around.
In that day of judgement, their gods will be lost,
discarded in caves and in holes;
their idols of silver and gold will be tossed
and scattered among bats and moles.
They'll flee to the caverns and scale the cliff's height,
and hide in the jagged rocks there,
to try to escape the LORD's glorious might
as he shakes the earth everywhere.
Stop trusting in man, who is one breath away
from breathing his last one. So, what good are they?
BSB: Berean Standard Bible