Have you heard the latest?
That Joseph's such a dreamer —
you know his bulb is dim if he believes his brothers' sheaves will one day bow to him. |
But, have you heard the latest?
He's dreamed another one! And now his dad is hopping mad to kneel before his son. |
That robe of many colors —
oh, how it made us talk! I heard he took a trip to look to find his brothers' flock. |
Well, Joseph never made it,
and, how his father mourned. They found his robe along the road all bloodied, ripped and torn. |
I've just heard he's in Egypt —
and maybe jailed for life! They say his fault was forced assault against his master's wife. |
You won't believe what I heard —
now he's some sort of king! He knew — it seems — the Pharaoh's dreams, well — dreams are Joseph's thing. |
So, Joseph reigns in Egypt,
amazing — if its true!
Now where's that rain to grow our grain —
does it seem dry to you?
amazing — if its true!
Now where's that rain to grow our grain —
does it seem dry to you?
[Joseph related his dream]: we were binding sheaves of corn out in the field when suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright, while your sheaves gathered round mine and bowed down to it.
Genesis 37:7
Genesis 37:7